Orders are VAT exempt under the following conditions:
You are a company/business client, not a private consumer.
Your company's headquarters are based in a member state of the European Union and outside Germany.
You have your sales tax identification number available.
If you meet with the above requirements, please enter your VAT ID number together with your address details in the registration page for new customers. Here you will find further instructions on how to enter your VAT ID number correctly.
After successfully registering your VAT ID number, the VAT will automatically be deducted from your shopping cart. Should you come from a country outside the EU, your country will be recognized as such when you select your country of residence from the country drop-down menu.
If you you received an error message after you entered your VAT number, please check to make sure you have entered the number in the correct format. Please enter the country code first, followed by the entire VAT number. Please enter the number without any spaces.
· INCORRECT: 157 544 555 666
· INCORRECT: GB 157 544 555 666
· CORRECT: GB157544555666
Use the following link to verify your VAT number: