Please note - this payment option might not apply to the Store where you wish to place your order. For more information on available payment options, please check the section "payment options" in your cart.
If PayPal is a valid option, and you wish to use this method, this is the procedure:
Once you have chosen PayPal as your payment method, you will be taken to PayPal's payment processing page.
PayPal's processing page will ask you to either pay with a credit/debit card or log in to your existing PayPal account if you have one.
Once you have completed all necessary forms on PayPal's site and have completed the order on their site, you will be redirected back to our online store page.
Due to a delay in the redirection, you may not see the payment confirmation on our online store page. As soon as your PayPal payment has been confirmed, your order confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address that you entered on our online store page prior to choosing PayPal as your payment method.
For most PayPal payments, you will receive your confirmation email within minutes of your order completion. However, if you pay by PayPal eCheck, it may take up to 7 business days for you to receive your confirmation e-mail.